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Mabe Fratti




A sense of destiny hangs over ‘Sentir Que No Sabes’, Mabe Fratti’s fourth solo-credited album released in a five year span. Her work has always possessed a finely tuned sense of drama, capable of expressing a range of emotional states, and across this new album, she conveys the struggle to process various relationships or situations – and the actions that come next. ‘Sentir Que No Sabes’ is urgent and clear, poppy, generous and approachable, while showcasing a considerable emotional hinterland. It is also, as Fratti is quick to mention, ‘groovy’.

The album was written and recorded with her partner, multi-instrumentalist and co-composer Héctor Tosta, while the pair were joined by drummer Gibran Andrade and trumpetist Jacob Wick for the final studio recordings. This small group of friends was able to work quickly and openly, and without fear.